
A community initiative of the UWF Historic Trust to display historically significant photographic murals throughout downtown Pensacola for residents and tourists of all ages to learn about the illustrious history of our great city.
Mural on the side of Voices of Pensacola

Mural: Fiesta of Five Flags Parade c. 1950s
Building: Voices of Pensacola
Address: 117 East Government Street

Exciting parades and wonderful outfits, Fiesta of Five Flags is celebrating 75 years of fun and frivolity in Pensacola.  Formed in 1949, Fiesta celebrates the founding of Pensacola as America’s First Settlement in 1559 by Spanish Conquistador, Don Tristan de Luna.  Fiesta has always been a significant celebration for Pensacola, with the one of the oldest and longest heritage festivals in Florida occurring after Memorial Day each year.  2024 marks the 75th year of Fiesta.  Come celebrate with us!